Patrick Gylling

Patrick is a true entrepreneur at heart. He is considered a key player in placing the Finnish real estate market on the map with global real estate investors. Prior to co-founding Sirius, he was a partner at Sveafastigheter. Initially, he was responsible for the investment operations of the firm, as well as for the Helsinki office, and noted as being central to the investor relations and fundraising. In 2013 Patrick was appointed CEO.
Before the years with Sveafastigheter, Patrick co-founded the property investment and development company HGR Property Partners. The company was elected one of the 10 most successful companies in Finland by the leading Finnish business newspaper, Kauppalehti, as well as the Best Finnish Developer and Best Finnish Investment Manager by Euromoney.
Patrick has also an extensive background in real estate investment banking, both nationally and internationally, through his employments at Morgan Stanley and MSREF & MSRESS funds in London and Advium Corporate Finance in Helsinki. He holds an MSc in Economics and Business from Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki.